This is a test how well ScratchABit works, taking the ESP8266 BootROM/SDK binary blobs as an example.

This directory can be browsed in 2 ways:

Things available in this directory:

While you can browse pre-generated files above, a better approach is however to use ScratchABit for browsing the code and to continue researching it. For this:

  1. Install ScratchABit as described in its README.
  2. Install Xtensa CPU plugin as described in the same README.
  3. Make available via PATH.
  4. Run from this repository to load the project.

More info available at!topic/esp8266-re/SJicbstg5TQ and in!forum/esp8266-re in general.

To produce a call graph of BootROM functions:

  1. Install ScratchABlock, a sister project to ScratchABit, a program transformation/decompilation framework. Add it to PATH.
  2. Uncomment the corresponding line in, run it once, and comment the line again. This will produce function listings in funcs/ directory.
  3. Run
  4. The generated callgraph is in and callgraph.svg files. You can browse the latter using a web browser. But it’s recommended to install xdot tool and use it to browse directly. xdot is available in the popular Linux distros, but you may get more features (e.g. search) if you install the latest version from the repository: